After 11 years of dedicated services in the IAACA Executive Committee, Mr Simon Peh is going to step down from the office of IAACA President on 31 August 2023. Mr Peh takes this opportunity to thank IAACA members for their continuous support:
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Dear colleagues,
I have already tendered my resignation and will serve as IAACA President till the end of August 2023. As I shall complete my tenure in the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China on 31 August, I believe it is now the appropriate time for me to resign from the Presidency of IAACA.
I have worked in the IAACA Executive Committee (ExCo) since July 2012. In 2017, when the then ExCo decided to set up a Training Committee, I was elected to be the Convenor until now. As you are aware, I was elected as IAACA President in January 2022. It has been my greatest honour to have served IAACA for over a decade, particularly in the past 20 months as President, working closely with like-minded partners in advancing the anti-corruption cause internationally.
The days in IAACA were challenging but very memorable. Bribery and corruption and related crimes are always mutating, made possible by the illicit use of new technology, unstable socio-economic and political situations around the world, and regional and global emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we graft-fighters need to improve our knowledge and skills in leaps and bounds, work together to overcome each and every hurdle along the way, enhance our cooperation and stay on course to achieve our vision of eradicating bribery and corruption in the world. Indeed, our Association has been strengthened at times of these challenges. Leveraging on our resilience, agility and readiness to work together, we turned our training activities and meetings to virtual format, and continued to foster international cooperation and collaboration as usual.
Since my assumption of IAACA Presidency, on top of the solid foundation laid by my predecessors, we have attained significant achievements with the commitment and concerted efforts from the ExCo and the members. We have implemented the new Regional Coordination Mechanism, allowing our members in different parts of the world to get closer for collaboration. We have the steady growth in IAACA membership, from around 123 in early 2022 to over 160 now. We organized an online training programme on forensic sciences with the record-breaking participation of nearly 1,000 graft fighters. We also arranged the 4th ExCo Meeting in April this year “face-to-face” in Hong Kong with the “in-person” participation of 12 ExCo members which was the first of its kind after the outbreak of the pandemic. The launch of the revamped website, issue of quarterly newsletter and e-alert, and most importantly the opening of the new Secretariat Office of IAACA were the milestones of our Association in the last 20 months as well.
We have accomplished all these together, and all stakeholders are important to our success. My heartfelt gratitude first goes to our ExCo members. Their insights and dedication are indispensable to the development and growth of IAACA over the years. My special thanks also go to the former and incumbent Secretary-General Ms Sally Kwan and Mr Kenneth Wong, who worked with me closely during my tenure as President. Their outstanding stewardship of the Secretariat allows me to focus on the most important strategic tasks of charting new paths for the Association. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the dedicated team of staff at the Secretariat in handling day-to-day matters, coordinating meetings, training programmes, liaising with members and many other IAACA activities. They played a crucial role in the smooth and efficient operation of the Association.
I am grateful to each and every esteemed member of the Association for the continuous and staunch support extended to me during my time as President. I cherished every single meaningful sharing and exchange with you all, particularly the aforementioned and long-awaited 4th ExCo Meeting in Hong Kong after the pandemic subsided. The time has come to bid farewell to my dearest friends and colleagues, but our passion in combating corruption will go beyond. I wish all of you greater success in your future endeavours in the anti-corruption mission. Mr Danny Woo, the current Commissioner of ICAC Hong Kong, China was appointed in the ExCo meeting held on 23 August 2023 as the new IAACA President until the next General Meeting. May I ask for your support to him. I believe that under Mr Woo’s leadership, IAACA will continue to grow and reach new heights.
Thank you and goodbye!