Last month IAACA convened an Annual Conference in Hong Kong, China, the first large-scale event of the Association after the pandemic.
The 8th ICAC Symposium and the 11th IAACA Annual Conference, titled "Charting a New Path to Combat Corruption", was co-organized by IAACA and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China from 22 to 24 May 2024. Bringing together over 500 representatives of around 180 anti-corruption and related agencies from nearly 60 jurisdictions, including around 40 IAACA member authorities, this significant event provided a unique opportunity for anti-corruption experts around the globe to share best practices in the international anti-corruption arena, mapping out the path towards greater international cooperation in fighting corruption.

The event was inaugurated by The Honourable Mr John KC Lee, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Mr Danny Y M Woo, IAACA President and ICAC Commissioner, and other distinguished guests. Keynote speeches by prominent anti-corruption figures, including Mr Fu Kui, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Vice Chairman of the National Commission of Supervision of China; Ms Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna and Executive Director of the UNODC, and Mr Petr Klement, Deputy European Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, shed light on pressing challenges faced by the global anti-corruption community.

The Symposium featured over 30 prominent speakers from anti-corruption agencies, regulatory bodies, justice departments, leading research institutions and international organizations. They shared their insights into and expertise on global challenges and strategies in anti-graft work, such as sustainable international cooperation, contemporary challenges in fighting corruption, public-private partnership to combat corruption, and the role of youth in promoting integrity.

The significant event concluded with the adoption of the "Hong Kong Declaration on Strengthening International Cooperation in Preventing and Fighting Corruption", reaffirming IAACA's commitment to promoting the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and strengthening international anti-corruption collaboration.

Back-to-back Training Programme
The learning did not stop at the conclusion of the Symposium. Over 180 delegates participated in the back-to-back training programme "New Era Against Corruption: Leveraging Innovation and Technology in Fighting and Preventing Corruption" co-organized by IAACA and the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption of ICAC from 24 to 28 May. The participants joined a technical visit in ICAC's investigation facilities and workshops in the ICAC Building. Around 50 delegates from 20 anti-corruption agencies worldwide further took part in a three-day study tour to the city of Changsha in China led by President Woo. The tour provided the delegates with first-hand understanding of China's anti-graft efforts and high-tech development through insightful visits and a discussion forum. The programme undoubtedly reinforced the participants' capacity in the global fight against corruption.
IAACA Executive Committee Meeting
The IAACA Executive Committee (ExCo) also held its 7th meeting at the IAACA Secretariat office on 24 May. A total of 17 ExCo members or their representatives joined the meeting in person or online. During the meeting, Regional Coordinators of the Association reported on the work progress in different regions, and the Secretariat apprised Members of the latest development of IAACA. Ms Brigette Strobel-Shaw, Chief of Corruption and Economic Crime Branch of UNODC, also shared UNODC's recent efforts in the international anti-corruption cause. Mr Ricky Yau, Deputy Commissioner of the ICAC, briefed Members on his meetings with ExCo Members Ms Alexandra Rogkakou of the National Transparency Authority of Greece and Dr Giuseppe Busia of the National Anti-Corruption Authority of Italy during his recent visit to Europe.

During the Symposium and the IAACA Annual Conference, back-to-back training programme and IAACA ExCo meeting, IAACA members and other participants refreshed the spirit of collaboration and determination. Insightful discussions led to the formation of new partnerships and initiatives, further advancing collaborative efforts for the years to come. By fostering open exchange and an energized spirit of cooperation, the event illuminated the path toward a promising new chapter in the global fight against corruption.
IAACA remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting the effective implementation of the UNCAC, contributing to the attainment of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 16.5, i.e. to "substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms by 2030".