IAACA-HKIAAC Webinar - Nurturing and Empowering Our Future Leaders in Anti-Corruption Work: Stories from the Field
4 July 2024
4 July 2024
Capacity Building Programme

Facing the unprecedented challenges and standing at the forefront of the ever-changing environment today, the global fight against corruption is no easy endeavour and cannot be fought in silos. Joint efforts from cross sections of society and different generations are of paramount importance to sustaining anti-corruption endeavours into the future. More than ever, we need the ideas, the energy and the leadership of young people to provide fresh impetus to building a corruption-free world.

Recognizing the critical role of young people in shaping a world with probity, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) co-developed the Policy Guide for National Anti-Corruption Authorities on Meaningful Youth Engagement in Anti-Corruption Work (“the Policy Guide”) in December 2023 for encouraging and assisting anti-corruption authorities around the globe to meaningfully engage young people as a powerful anti-corruption force in shaping an integrity future for the world.

In order to shed lights on the youth engagement strategy and experience, IAACA and the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) of ICAC will organize a webinar, in which experts from UNODC, ICAC, the National Transparency Authority (NTA) of Greece, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) of Kenya and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will share with anti-corruption practitioners their insights into and field stories about youth engagement. We are also delighted to have the support from the Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE) Initiative of UNODC for this webinar.

The webinar will shed lights on the youth engagement strategy and practical field experience with the following objectives:

  • Underscoring the critical role of youth people in the new era of fighting corruption
  • Sharing different perspectives and practical experiences for community education by showing how to meaningfully engage them in preventing and fighting corruption
  • Fostering international cooperation and synchronizing the understanding in the realm of empowering the youth in the fight against corruption

Within an overarching knowledge and experience-sharing framework, the webinar will be framed around several main topics including:

  • Efforts and work of the UNODC and other anti-corruption agencies in the youth engagement
  • Experience sharing by seasoned speakers from different countries on their youth engagement activities
  • The contribution of international cooperation in the realm of empowering youth in the fight against corruption

Who should attend?
Officers in anti-corruption authorities, in particular those responsible for anti-corruption education, awareness raising projects and youth engagement

The webinar, moderated by the Acting Assistant Director/International Cooperation of ICAC of Hong Kong, China, will consist of four presentations and sharing by the veteran experts came from UNODC, ICAC of Hong Kong, China, followed by an interactive Q&A session

Course fee


Date and Time
4 July 2024 (Thursday)
4:00 – 7:00 pm (Hong Kong Time, UTC +8)

To register for the webinar, please complete the enrollment form and return to info@iaaca.net by 24 June 2024.


