Regional Coordination Mechanism
Strengthening communication and networking among members and enhancing
outreach to other ACAs through the Regional Coordination Mechanism
To extend our reach to all anti-corruption agencies in different parts of the world in a systematic and coordinated approach, a new regional coordination mechanism has been introduced. Under this mechanism, member organisations are categorised under five regional groups with reference to the United Nations Regional Groups of Member States, each led by a Regional Coordinator.
The President and four Vice-Presidents will take up the role of Regional Coordinators to devise and implement initiatives to promote networking and collaboration among members through regional training programmes, capacity building activities and regular meetings.
Asia-Pacific States
Regional Coordinator

Mr Danny Y M Woo
Hong Kong ICAC, China
Datin Paduka Hajah Anifa Rafiza binti Haji Abd Ghani
Director Anti-Corruption Bureau, Brunei Darussalam
Mr Askhat Zhumagali
Chairman Anti-Corruption Agency, Kazakhstan
Hon. Tan Sri Dato' Sri Haji Azam bin Baki
Chief Commissioner Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Malaysia
H.E. Mazin bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous
President Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority, Saudi Arabia
Mr Sam Tee
Director Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, Singapore
African States
Regional Coordinator

Adv. JL Andy Mothibi
Head and Chief Executive
Special Investigating Unit,
South Africa
Mr. Abdi Ahmed Mohasmud, MBS
Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Kenya
Mr. Titrudeo Dawoodarry
Acting Director-General Financial Crimes Commission, Mauritius
H.E. Mr Mohamed Bachir Rachdi
Chairman National Authority for Probity, Prevention and Fight Against Corruption, Morocco
Mr Serigne Bassirou Gueye
President National Office for Combating Fraud and Corruption, Senegal
Eastern European States
Regional Coordinator

H.E. Mr Farid Ahmadov
Minister of Justice Ministry of Justice, Azerbaijan
Mr Ferenc Pál Biró
President Integrity Authority, Hungary

Mr Marius I. Voineag
Chief Prosecutor of the Directorate National Anticorruption Directorate, Romania
Latin American States
Regional Coordinator

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Western European and Other States
Regional Coordinator

Dr Giuseppe Busia
President National Anti-Corruption Authority, Italy
Ms Alexandra Rogkakou
Interim Governor National Transparency Authority, Greece
Mr Alejandro Luzón Cánovas
Chief Prosecutor Special Public Prosecution Office Against Corruption and Organised Crime, Spain